
How do you make your own CBD e-liquid?

e-liquids cbd

CBD e-liquid: a good alternative for an easy recipe

Just like CBD, vape has already convinced many consumers looking for an alternative to cigarettes or cannabis. CBD e-liquids e-liquids differ very little from classic e-liquids, the idea being to replace nicotine with cannabidiol. However, their preparation is a little more technical, and certain methods and dosages need to be respected to obtain a CBD e-liquide-liquid that meets your expectations.   

Ingredients required:  

  • Propylene glycol 
  • Vegetable glycerin 
  • Aroma(s) 
  • CBD
  • Additives (optional) 

For mixing, you'll need gloves, syringes and vials (larger or smaller depending on the quantity you wish to produce). 

Step one: design a neutral base 

The base is a combination of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine. It's found in all commercially available industrial e-liquids. Propylene glycol carries the flavors and supports the "hit " (the little tingling sensation in the throat when you vapot). Vegetable glycerine softens the flavours and produces the vapour. To make the most of CBD vapevaping, it's generally advisable to opt for an electronic cigarette (under 30 watts). To prevent your equipment from deteriorating, it's also important to have a CBD e-liquid that's sufficiently fluid, and above all to take the time to clean your equipment regularly. What's more, CBD crystals intended for vaping generally dilute better in mixtures that aren't too thick.   

Important: The propylene glycol keeps the liquid fluid, while vegetable glycerine thickens it. Opt for a propylene glycol content of over 50%, with ratios of at least 60 PG/40 GV, to obtain a CBD e-liquid with the perfect "texture". Then adjust according to the taste and sensations you prefer to get from your electronic cigarette. It's normal, at first, to have trouble finding the right balance, as different consumers have different expectations. 

Second step: concentrated CBD 

You have two options: use a booster or use crystals directly. crystals. A booster is a CBD e-liquid with a high CBD concentration (over 1000mg), generally found in 10ml vials, which corresponds to a dosage of over 10%. These boosters must not be vaped on their own, but diluted with your neutral base (see step 1).  

CBD crystals, on the other hand, have purity levels generally approaching 99%, and come in powder form. It's essential to have an accurate balance to dose the crystals correctly.  

The dosages of your CBD e-liquid will then depend on your experience with CBD and the effects you are looking for:  

-> Light dosage (100mg - 300mg / 10ml): mild effects, long vape session.  

-> Medium dosage (350mg - 600mg / 10ml) : intermediate effects, short, occasional vape sessions.  

-> High dosage (above 600mg / 10ml): occasional vape only and for informed consumers. 

-> 1000mg / 10ml : Booster 

Third stage: aromas 

Now it's up to you to add your own personal touch. The advantage of DIY e-liquids is that they come in an infinite range of flavors, from tobaccoto fruity, sweet or mentholated aromas. The more adventurous will also appreciate blending for a unique result. Be careful, however, with the dosage to avoid getting something that's too strong and can become unpalatable. For flavorings, it's advisable to respect the rule of 10-20% of the total volume of your preparation.  

Should I use additives? 

The additives are not mandatory in your preparation. They add an aromatic note that some will appreciate (acidity, freshness, smokiness...). They are also known as flavor enhancers, to "optimize" your recipe and give it greater subtlety. But be sure to check the quality of these additives before use. When in doubt, stick to the basic ingredients mentioned above.  

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