The Vape Pens CBD collection includes everything you need to enjoy CBD simply and intuitively by vaping. While the Pen CBD is similar to an electronic cigarette, it appears much simpler, in a disposable format (around 125 puffs) suitable for all consumers. With no propylene glycol or vegetable glycerine, all you need to enjoy Pen CBD is a rechargeable battery and a cartridge containing the liquid.

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Very discreet, the Vape Pens CBD Battery is barely as big as a pen, so you can take it everywhere with you, in a pocket or bag. Vape Pens CBD Cartridges, presented as refills, are made from premium-quality premium CBD and natural 100% natural terpenes. Whether you're looking for lemony - Super Lemon Haze - or a taste closer to real weed, such asGelatoyou're sure to find what you're looking for in our wide selection of flavors.

420 Green Road also offers a Vape Pens complete kit kit, a practical, low-cost way to try a new consumption experience with legal cannabis!

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