Atomic Bomb THCJD

Atomic Bomb | Hydroponie | 8% THCJD

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Préparez-vous à l’impact … notre Atomic Bomb THCJD fait son arrivée ! Avec 8% de THCJD (nouveau cannabinoïde surpuissant), cette fleur de chanvre offre des effets psychoactifs intenses et une euphorie prononcé tout en restant sous les 0,3% de THC. Son goût citronné aux notes de kush est une véritable détonation de saveurs qui séduira les puristes en quête de sensations fortes.

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive du THCJD. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

Le THCJD est un nouveau cannabinoïde, qui serait 2 fois plus puissant que le THCP d’après les premiers retours. Veuillez prendre le temps de lire notre article “Le THCJD : le cannabinoïde surpuissant” afin d’en savoir plus et être correctement informé.

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC : <0,3%
  • CBD: 10% OF TOTAL
  • THCJD : 8%
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Aspect : dense
  • Strong odor
  • Goût lemon, kush, authentique
  • Incredibly powerful

⚠️ Attention:

Le THCJD est déconseillé à cause de ses effets euphorisants intenses. Pour ceux et celles qui souhaiteraient malgré tout en consommer, faites le avec modération et prudence. Ne consommez sous aucun prétexte ce produit avant de conduire. Interdit au femme enceinte, allaitante et aux personnes susceptible d’être sensible au cannabinoïde psychoactif

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Space Candy THCP HHCPO

Space Candy | Hydro | 9% THCP + 9% HHCPO

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Embarquez pour une aventure cosmique avec notre Space Candy. Avec des taux égaux de THCP et HHCPO, plafonné à 9%, profitez d’une euphorie galactique à chaque dégustation. Sucré et fruité en même temps, ce hash est idéal pour les amateurs de douceurs célestes à la recherche de sensation forte ! Il parait que la vérité est ailleurs… mais avec la Space Candy, elle est juste là, entre un nuage fruité et une euphorie cosmique.

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive du THCP et HHCPO. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC : <0,3%
  • CBD: 10% OF TOTAL
  • THCP : 9%
  • HHCPO : 9%
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Aspect : dense
  • Strong odor
  • Goût sucré, fruité
  • Incredibly powerful

⚠️ Attention:

Like THCP, HHCPO is not recommended for its intense euphoric effects. For those who still wish to consume it, do so in moderation and with caution. Under no circumstances should you consume this product before driving. Not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women, or for people likely to be sensitive to psychoactive cannabinoids.

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Remedy CBD

Remedy | Outdoor | 10,1% CBD

Harvest 2023.

Savour the tranquillity of Remedy CBD, a flower rich in natural benefits. With a CBD content of 10.1% and THC of less than 0.3%, Remedy is grown in the heart of the Loire, France, following rigorous organic practices. Its herbaceous, tangy flavours evoke the freshness of French fields, offering an experience both soothing and invigorating.

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC : <0.3%
  • CBD: 10.1
  • 100% natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • From: France
  • Appearance: semi-compact
  • Strong odor
  • Herbaceous, woody, tangy taste
  • Variety cultivated in Outdoor / Soil

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Critical CBD

Critical | Hydroponics | 10.3% CBD

Immerse yourself in a world of well-being with our Critical CBD flower, an exclusive selection for high-end flower lovers. Hydroponically grown in southern Italy, each bud is a masterpiece. Critical's aromas are as rich as its history. This variety stands out for its authentic, skunky flavor profile! Perfect for those looking to relax and enjoy an intoxicating fragrance.

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC : <0,3%
  • CBD: 10.3
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Origin : Italy
  • Appearance: compact head, greenbuds
  • Strong odor
  • Authentic, earthy, skunky taste
  • Indoor / Hydroponic variety

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Raspberry Glue THCP

Raspberry Glue | Indoor | 7% THCP

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Discover Raspberry Glue THCP, a flower of bewitching natural beauty. Its compact, generously resinous buds reflect its superior quality. Savor an explosion of fruity flavors, dominated by nuances of red fruit, reminiscent of the tart sweetness of wild raspberries.

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive du THCP. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC  : <0,3%
  • CBD: 9.3
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: compact head
  • Strong odor
  • Red fruit taste
  • Indoor / Soil-grown variety

⚠️ Attention:

This product is not to be taken lightly. THCP is a highly potent psychoactive cannabinoid with intense effects. Take the time to read our article on the subject: "What is THCP? Do not consume this product before driving. Not for pregnant or breast-feeding women.

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Basic Trim CBD

Basic Trim | Ground Flowers & Leaves | 4% CBD

Our Basic Trim CBD is the ultimate budget solution for cannabidiol enthusiasts. With a 4% CBD content and an incredibly low price, this cbd trim offers a low-cost alternative to our Mix Trim. Made from 98% residues, including crushed flowers, leaves and branches, it has an authentic natural floral taste. Quite simply the cheapest trim on the market!

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: ~ 4%
  • 98% residues
  • Unbeatable value for money

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Big Small Bud THCP

Big Small Bud THCP | Indoor | 10% THCP - 15% H4CBD

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Our Big Small Bud THCP are like no other. Although classified as a mini bud, these flowers are distinguished by their imposing size. Rich in 10% THCP, they offer unexpected potency. Let yourself be surprised by their delicate vanilla aroma, which combines perfectly with the strength of tetrahydrocannabiphorol. A memorable experience for connoisseurs seeking power and subtlety!

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive du THC. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

Product features:

  • Δ-9-THC : < 0.3%
  • THCP: 10% OF SALES
  • H4CBD: 15% OF SALES
  • CBD: ~ 8%
  • Indoor varieties

⚠️ Attention:

This product is not to be taken lightly. THCP is a highly potent psychoactive cannabinoid with intense effects. Take the time to read our article on the subject: "What is THCP? Do not consume this product before driving. Not for pregnant or breast-feeding women.

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Wolfberry CBD

Wolfberry | Outdoor | 9,1% CBD

WolfBerry CBD is an outdoor flower cultivated in France by our regular grower. True to the photo, this variety with semi-compact buds of all sizes displays aromas and flavours of freshly cut red fruit similar to our blueberry, capable of taking you on a journey in an instant. Take some time for yourself, you've earned it!

Product features:

  • Δ-9-THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: 9.1
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: compact head
  • Very pronounced odour
  • Red fruity taste, fresh
  • Variety grown outdoors/earth

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Big Bud CBD

Big Bud | Outdoor | 9,05% CBD

Harvest 2023.

Big Bud CBD is our first outdoor flower produced by our beloved French hemp growers. It's a real pleasure to let you discover it!

As you can see from the photo (genuine), Big Bud is really quite beautiful with very few leaves. In fact, it looks more like a greenhouse-grown flower than an outdoor one. You'll be surprised by its herbaceous, spicy flavors, with the occasional cherry scent that we really enjoyed!

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC : <0.3%
  • CBD: 9.05
  • 100% natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • From: France
  • Appearance: elongated, semi-compact head
  • Strong odor
  • Taste woody, herbaceous, spicy, cherry
  • Variety cultivated in Outdoor / Soil

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Exodus Cheese H4CBD

Exodus Cheese | Indoor | 21% H4CBD

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Exodus Cheese H4CBD makes its debut in our catalog. Exquisite, and of rare beauty, this indoor-grown flower will appeal to the greatest number of people, and will delight fans of cheesy/skunky varieties. Its high H4CBD content will ensure a well-deserved moment of well-being!

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive du H4CBD. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC  : <0,3%
  • CBD: 8.9
  • H4CBD: 21
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: compact head
  • Strong odor
  • Cheesy, skunky, woody taste
  • Indoor / Soil-grown variety


H4CBD is a semi-synthetic, non-psychotropic cannabinoid with an effect similar to CBD, but with greater intensity (X100). Do not use before driving, and preferably at the end of the day. To find out more, read our article "H4CBD: what is it?"

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