Afghan Hash H4CBD

Afghan Hash | Resin | 47% H4CBD - 10% CBD - 5% CBG - 3% CBN

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Our Afghan Hash is our second H4CBD resin. Much more potent than our Rifain, it will suit anyone looking for an intense, authentic product. The blend of all these cannabinoids (H4CBD, CBD, CBG, CBN) creates an extraordinary surrounding effect that will leave you breathless. Very dark and malleable, it does justice to its original version.

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction du H4CBD. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

We recommend keeping it in the fridge during hot weather.

Product features

  • THC : <0,3%
  • H4CBD: 47
  • CBD: 10% OF TOTAL
  • CBG: 5% OF SALES
  • CBN: 3% OF SALES
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: black outside, brown inside
  • Soft texture
  • Sweet, peppery, hash smell and taste


H4CBD is a semi-synthetic, non-psychotropic cannabinoid with an effect similar to CBD, but with greater intensity (X100). Do not use before driving, and preferably at the end of the day. To find out more, read our article "H4CBD: what is it?"

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