Majin Amnesia Hash THCJD

Majin Amnésia Hash | Résine | 8% THCJD – 10% THCV

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Plongez dans un autre univers avec le Majin Amnésia Hash, où le pouvoir légendaire des Majins rencontre la force du chanvre. Avec 8% de THCJD et 10% de THCV, ce hash déchaîne une euphorie et une stimulation créative incroyable. Préparez-vous à un voyage transcendantal, inspiré par le mythique Amnésia.

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive du THCJD. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • THCJD : 8%
  • THCV : 10%
  • CBD: 30% OF TOTAL
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Aspect : noir, gras, collant
  • Odeur et goût amnésia, hash, épicé

Le THCJD est un nouveau cannabinoïde, qui serait 2 fois plus puissant que le THCP d’après les premiers retours. Veuillez prendre le temps de lire notre article “Le THCJD : le cannabinoïde surpuissant” afin d’en savoir plus et être correctement informé.

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Dark Mountain MCP Sativa

Dark Mountain | Résine | 12% MCP-I

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Découvrez la force de la nature avec notre hash Dark Mountain MCP-I (Indica). Offrant un taux de 12% de MCP (Maximum Cannabinoid Power) de type Indca auquel s’ajoute un faible taux de CBD aux alentours des 20%, cette résine est un choix parfait pour ceux qui cherchent à ressentir des effets puissants et euphorisant tout en étant riche en arômes. Créé à partir de pollen de qualité indoor et de distillat purifié, il dévoile des saveurs fruitées, acidulées et épicées. Osez escalader la montagne, et vivez l’expérience inédite du MCP Indica !

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive des ingrédient composant le MCP actuellement. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

Veuillez lire notre article sur le MCP avant tout achat s’il vous plaît : Qu’est ce que la formule MCP ?”.

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • MCP-I : 12%
  • CBD: 20% OF TOTAL
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Aspect : noir, gras, collant
  • Odeur et goût fruité, hash, épicé

⚠️ Attention:

Au même titre que le THCP, et le HHCPO, les produits MCP Sativa et Indica sont déconseillés à cause de leurs effets intenses. Pour ceux et celles qui souhaiteraient malgré tout en consommer, faites le avec modération et prudence. Ne consommez sous aucun prétexte ce produit avant de conduire. Interdit au femme enceinte, allaitante et aux personnes susceptible d’être sensible au cannabinoïde psychoactif

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4x CBD filtered

4x Filtered | Resin/Wax | 76% CBD

Discover pure power with our 4x Filtered. With an impressive 70% CBD content and virtually no THC, this hemp resin offers safe and effective daily use. Created from high-quality pollen extracted from indoor flowers and CBD distillate, 4x Filtré offers intense flavours, a perfect balance between traditional hash and pure wax.

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: 76
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: hard, brown (+/- light)
  • Powerful smell and taste, hash, wax
  • Home-made

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Yellow Lebanese Hash THCV

Lebanese Hash Yellow | Pollen | 20% THCV

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

Discover our "Yellow Lebanese Hash", an exceptional product that reflects 420 Green Road's expertise in hash creation. With balanced THCV and CBD levels of 20% each, this hash promises an unparalleled experience, both relaxing and stimulating. Our Yellow Lebanese Hash is distinguished by its beautiful color, synonymous with its purity and high quality.

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive du THCV. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

This product is ideal for connoisseurs looking for an authentic experience and for those wishing to discover the combined effects of tetrahydrocannabivarin and CBD. Enter the world of deep relaxation with Yellow Lebanese Hash.

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: 20% OF TOTAL
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: oily, yellow/brown pollen
  • Odour & Taste: Floral, earthy, authentic

⚠️ Attention:

In high doses, THCV is a powerful psychoactive cannabinoid capable of producing an intense euphoric sensation. Do not consume this product before driving, and preferably in the evening. Not recommended for pregnant women or beginners.

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CBD Sparkling Yellow

Mossy Yellow | Pollen | 24% CBD

Jaune Mousseux is extracted from hemp flower grown in greenhouses as part of an environmentally-friendly production process. This is our first 100% natural hash, with no added distillates, terpenes or additives of any kind. Purists will be delighted!

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC : <0,3%
  • CBD: 24
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: Yellow
  • Odour and taste: Sweet, floral, earthy
  • Texture : Pollen Fat
  • 100% Natural

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Le Rifain H4CBD

Le Rifain | Resin | 30% H4CBD - 23% CBD

Interdiction dérivé (THCP, HHCPO etc) prévue le 3 Juin. Derniers stock disponible !

How to describe Le Rifain H4CBD without giving too much away? This hemp resin, with its high H4CBD content, will help you rediscover the true pleasure of deep, intense relaxation. Its resinous texture, without being too greasy, and its color oscillating between light brown and brown, are just a foretaste of a product of outstanding quality. Let yourself be tempted by this incomparable hash, whose authentic flavors will transport you straight to the wilds of the Rif! We're sure you'll come back for more!

Offre 1g Acheté = 1g Offert : Profitez de cette offre incroyable avant l’interdiction définitive du H4CBD. Valable jusqu’à Vendredi 23h59. Commandez 10g, recevez 10g en plus gratuitement. Cumulable avec l’ensemble de nos promotions y compris la promotion DESTOCKAGE420 de 65%.

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: 23
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: black/dark brown, greasy
  • Powerful smell and taste
  • Home-made


H4CBD is a semi-synthetic, non-psychotropic cannabinoid with an effect similar to CBD, but with greater intensity (X100). Do not use before driving, and preferably at the end of the day. To find out more, read our article "H4CBD: what is it?"

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Excalibur Hash CBC

Excalibur Hash CBC | Resin | 20% CBC - 20% CBD - 15% CBN - 10% CBG

People of 420, pay attention and bow your heads to Excalibur! Never before has a product in our range reached such a level of complexity andintensity. A true revolution, this hash will make history with its unique composition! Don't be fooled by its relatively low levels of CBD, CBN, CBG and CBC: the synergy between cannabinoids is incomparable.

More powerful than our Elevator, more intense than our Sputnik, more complete than our Hash Filtré X3, Excalibur Hash has been designed and developed by our teams with a single objective in mind: to become the ultimate weapon in the fight against everyday ailments. You'll never be alone again - Excalibur is here to protect you!

Attention : Le CBC est un cannabinoide non psychoactif. Si vous avez consommé sur un autre site un ou des produits aux CBC ayant des effets intense proche du THC, jetez le(s) à la poubelle. Ce n’est pas du CBC. Le cannabichromène (CBC) est un cannabinoïde naturel cousin du CBD, avec des effets relaxants, mais en aucun cas, vous devez ressentir d’effet psychoactif.

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: 20% OF TOTAL
  • CBN: 15% OF SALES
  • CBG: 10% OF SALES
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: black/dark brown, greasy
  • Powerful smell and taste
  • Home-made

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Sputnik Hash CBN

Spoutnik Hash CBN | Resin | 35% CBN - 20% CBD - 5% CBG

Sputnik Hash CBN has been designed by our teams with a single objective in mind: to present you with a resin of rare potency thanks to its very high cannabinol content, combined with generous CBD and CBG levels. Named after the first artificial satellite sent into space by man, get ready for take-off and head for your warm bed!

With its fatty texture and pronounced, complex taste, featuring both tangy and sweet notes, this hash is right up there in our top 5. Because of its intensity, we recommend consuming this product in the evening.

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • CBN: 35
  • CBD: 20% OF TOTAL
  • CBG: 5% OF SALES
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: black/dark brown
  • Strong, tangy, sweet smell and taste
  • Home-made

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Hash Filtered X3 CBG

Hash Filtered x3 CBG | Resin | 40% CBG - 8.4% CBN - 8.9% CBD

Our Hash Filtré X3 CBG has taken over 6 months to create a top-quality product. Our chef has poured his heart and soul into creating a totally exclusive CBG Hash that's out of the ordinary. Its sweet, floral aroma will soon give way to a more powerful taste inherited from the CBG distillate used in its creation. In terms of texture, we've achieved the unthinkable: to make a resin that's malleable without being greasy!

Product features :

  • THC : <0,3%
  • CBG: 40% OF SALES
  • CBN: 8.4% OF SALES
  • CBD: 8.9
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: Black, brown inside
  • Resin texture, creamy, non-greasy
  • Sweet floral scent
  • Powerful taste
  • Home-made

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Hash Strawberry CBD

Hash Strawberry | Limited Edition | 25% CBD

Hash Strawberry is characterized by a strong berry smell and taste . We're now offering this popular hashish at a very attractive price for a very limited time, while stocks last. Unlike all our other products, this one doesn't have a sliding-scale price, and we're offering it at the single price of 3.5€ / gram. If you want to take advantage of it, don't wait, it won't be available forever.

Product features :

  • THC : < 0,3%
  • CBD: 25% OF TOTAL
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: Black on the outside, brown on the inside
  • Powerful, intense scent and taste

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